微信小程序的表单有DEMO源码(参考 http://www.wxapp-union.com/article-834-1.html),将源码文件夹命名为form,文件夹下应该有四个文件:
然后在小程序里选择一个页面,比如 detail/detail.wxml 添加跳转按钮,引入这个form。
<!--detail.wxml--> <view> <button type="primary" bindtap="biaodan"> 我是表单按钮 </button> </view>
//detail.js //跳转到在线预约界面 biaodan: function () { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../form/form', }) },
在 form.js的data部分加入
title: '文章内容', detail: {}, commentsList:{}, commentCount:'', detailDate:'', wxParseData:[], display:'none', page: 1, isLastPage:false, postID:null, scrollHeight: 0, isGetUserInfo:false, dialog: { title: '', content: '', hidden: true }, content:'', userInfo:[]
再将以下代码添加进 form.js
//获取用户信息 app.getUserInfo(function (userInfo) { //更新数据 self.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isGetUserInfo:true }) }); }, //获取文章内容 fetchDetailData: function (id) { var self = this; wx.request({ url: Api.getPostByID(id, { mdrender: false }), success: function (response) { //console.log(response); self.setData({ detail: response.data, postID: id, detailDate: util.cutstr(response.data.date, 10, 1), //wxParseData: WxParse('md',response.data.content.rendered) wxParseData: WxParse.wxParse('article', 'html', response.data.content.rendered, self, 5), display: 'block' }); self.fetchCommentData(self.data); } }); }, //获取评论 fetchCommentData: function (data) { var self = this; if (!data) data = {}; if (!data.page) data.page = 1; if (data.page === 1) { self.setData({ commentsList: [] }); }; wx.request({ url: Api.getComments(data), success: function (response) { if (response.data.length < 6) { self.setData({ isLastPage: true }); } self.data.commentsList; self.setData({ //commentsList: response.data, commentsList: self.data.commentsList.concat(response.data.map(function (item) { var strSummary = util.removeHTML(item.content.rendered); var strdate = item.date item.summary = strSummary; item.date = util.formatDateTime(strdate); if (item.author_url.indexOf('wx.qlogo.cn') >0) { item.author_url = item.author_url.replace("http", "https"); } else { item.author_url ="../../images/gravatar.png"; } return item; })), commentCount: "有" + response.data.length + "条评论", }); wx.showToast({ title: '加载中', icon: 'loading', mask: false, duration: 1000 }) } }); }, //底部刷新 loadMore: function (e) { var self = this; if (!self.data.isLastPage) { self.setData({ page: self.data.page + 1 }); console.log('当前页' + self.data.page); this.fetchCommentData(self.data); } else { wx.showToast({ title: '没有更多内容', mask: false, duration: 1000 }); } }, //提交评论 formSubmit: function (e) { var self = this; var name = self.data.userInfo.nickName; var email = "you@domain.com"; var comment = "表单数据1:" + e.detail.value.data1 + " - 表单数据2:" + e.detail.value.data2; var author_url = self.data.userInfo.avatarUrl; var postID = 0; if (e.detail.value.data1==0 || e.detail.value.data2==0) //容错 { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '没有填写表单内容' }); } else { //检测授权 self.checkSettingStatu(); if (self.data.isGetUserInfo) { wx.request({ url: Api.postComment(), method: 'post', data: { post: postID, author_name: name, author_email: email, content: comment, author_url: author_url }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { //console.log(res.data) if (res.statusCode == 201) { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '您的表单已提交成功,稍候客服MM将与您联系。', content: '' }); self.fetchCommentData(self.data); } else { if (res.data.code == 'rest_comment_login_required') { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '需要开启在WordPress rest api 的匿名评论功能!' }); } else if (res.data.code == 'rest_invalid_param' && res.data.message.indexOf('author_email') > 0) { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': 'email填写错误!' }); } else { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '预约单提交失败,' + res.data.message }); } } }, fail: function (res) { //console.log(res.data) } }); } } }, // 检测授权状态 checkSettingStatu: function (cb) { var that = this; // 判断是否是第一次授权,非第一次授权且授权失败则进行提醒 wx.getSetting({ success: function success(res) { console.log(res.authSetting); var authSetting = res.authSetting; if (util.isEmptyObject(authSetting)) { console.log('首次授权'); } else { console.log('不是第一次授权', authSetting); // 没有授权的提醒 if (authSetting['scope.userInfo'] === false) { wx.showModal({ title: '用户未授权', content: '如需正常使用评论的功能,请授权管理中选中“用户信息”,然后点按确定后再次提交评论。', showCancel: false, success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定') wx.openSetting({ success: function success(res) { console.log('openSetting success', res.authSetting); var as = res.authSetting; for (var i in as) { if(as[i]) { //获取用户信息 app.getUserInfo(function (userInfo) { //更新数据 that.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isGetUserInfo: true }) }); } } } }); } } }) } } } }); }, confirm: function () { this.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': true, 'dialog.title': '', 'dialog.content': '' }) },
这段代码第125行的 var postID = 0; 这个0可以改为任何你已经发布过的文章或页面的ID。
<modal title="{{dialog.title}}" hidden="{{dialog.hidden}}" no-cancel bindconfirm="confirm">{{dialog.content}}</modal>
form.js 的 完整form表单提交代码如下:
//提交评论 formSubmit: function (e) { var value = e.detail.value; //新增定义 var myaddress = this.data.address; var self = this; var name = self.data.userInfo.nickName; var email = "submit@abc.com"; var comment = "学员姓名:" + e.detail.value.name + " - 学员电话:" + e.detail.value.phone + " - 学员地址:" + myaddress + " - 培训类别:" + e.detail.value.trainingtype; var author_url = self.data.userInfo.avatarUrl; var postID = 2017; if (e.detail.value.name.length == 0 || e.detail.value.phone.length == 0 || e.detail.value.trainingtype.length == 0) { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '报名信息请填写完整' }); } else { //检测授权 self.checkSettingStatu(); if (self.data.isGetUserInfo) { wx.request({ url: Api.postComment(), method: 'POST', data: { post: postID, author_name: name, author_email: email, content: comment, author_url: author_url }, header: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, success: function (res) { //console.log(res.data) if (res.statusCode == 201) { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '您的报名表已提交成功,稍候我们的老师会与您联系。', content: '' }); self.fetchCommentData(self.data); } else { if (res.data.code == 'rest_comment_login_required') { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '需要开启在WordPress rest api 的匿名评论功能!' }); } else if (res.data.code == 'rest_invalid_param' && res.data.message.indexOf('author_email') > 0) { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': 'email填写错误!' }); } else { self.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': false, 'dialog.title': '提示', 'dialog.content': '报名信息提交失败,' + res.data.message }); } } }, fail: function (res) { //console.log(res.data) } }); } } }, // 检测授权状态 checkSettingStatu: function (cb) { var that = this; // 判断是否是第一次授权,非第一次授权且授权失败则进行提醒 wx.getSetting({ success: function success(res) { console.log(res.authSetting); var authSetting = res.authSetting; if (util.isEmptyObject(authSetting)) { console.log('首次授权'); } else { console.log('不是第一次授权', authSetting); // 没有授权的提醒 if (authSetting['scope.userInfo'] === false) { wx.showModal({ title: '用户未授权', content: '如需正常使用评论的功能,请授权管理中选中“用户信息”,然后点按确定后再次提交评论。', showCancel: false, success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { console.log('用户点击确定') wx.openSetting({ success: function success(res) { console.log('openSetting success', res.authSetting); var as = res.authSetting; for (var i in as) { if(as[i]) { //获取用户信息 app.getUserInfo(function (userInfo) { //更新数据 that.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isGetUserInfo: true }) }); } } } }); } } }) } } } }); }, confirm: function () { this.setData({ 'dialog.hidden': true, 'dialog.title': '', 'dialog.content': '' }) },